Looking back at all the travels I’ve done in the past 6 months, there is one place I wish I could explore more: Marrakech. I have a feeling I didn’t spend enough time there to really live the city and discover all its secrets. One thing I’m glad I did in the few days I was in Marrakech is taking part to a food tour organised by a lovely couple: Amanda (the American lady behind MarocMama) and her husband Youssef. Morocco is known the world over for its amazing food and hospitality. At the epicenter of Moroccan cuisine sits Marrakech. Famous souks, and hundreds of hotels and riads help to make Marrakech a must-stop destination for tourists. Sadly, with so many people coming and going it’s difficult to find food that truly lives up to its reputation. [Marrakech Food Tours] Youssef was born and raised in Marrakech, Amanda has lived there for more than ten years, so together they have built a knowledge of the best places that the city has to offer. Without Amanda and Youssef I wouldn’t have had a clue what to eat and where to eat it! And let’s be honest, even if I had a list of places I wanted to try, I would have […]